REG & Terms

Ocean Freight Related
- 定期航運 Liner Shipping
- 不定期航運 Tramp Shipping
- 無船公共運送人 Non-vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC)
- 海運承攬業 Ocean Freight Forwarder (OFF)
- 船務代理 Shipping Agent
- 運費同盟 Freight Conference
- 權宜船籍 Flag of Convenience

General Terms for Consolidation
- 不滿整櫃貨物 Container Freight Station (CFS)
- 不滿整櫃貨物 Less Container Load (LCL)
- 整櫃貨物 Container Yar (CY)
- 整櫃貨物 Full Container Load (FCL)
All Kinds of Containers
- 二十呎貨櫃 Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (TEU)
- 四十呎貨櫃 Forty Foot Equivalent Unit (FEU)
- 高櫃 High Cube (HQ)
- 冷凍櫃 Reefer Container
- 乾櫃(一般貨櫃) Dry Container (DC)
- 開頂貨櫃 Open Top Container (OTC)
- 成衣櫃 Garment on Hanger Container (GOH)

Shipping Documents
For exported good, shipper must negotiate a shipping space
As the arrival of the goods, the consignee exchanges bill of lading (B/L) for delivery order (D/O) to pick up the goods, the shipping company will rely on this to confirm the consignee has paid
Divided into Master B/L, issued by the shipping company to the contractor;
and House B/L, issued by the contractor to the owner
Needless to hand in, meaning the carrier can release the goods, therefore is riskier than B/L (the goods could be picked up by anyone)
Applicable to headquarters and related subsidiaries of multinational company that are close in business dealing or partnerships
- Letter of Credit (L/C)
Customs and Containers Related
Container overdue usage fee incurred by the consignee at the destination terminal or container yard before customs clearance and delivery
(Starts when the container be unloaded at the terminal until the container is moved out of the terminal)
Container overdue return fee incurred by not return the empty container within a specific time, after the consignee clears customs and takes the container out of the container yard or terminal
(Starts when container is taken out from the dock until the empty container is returned to the dock)
The owner has to return the container within specific number of days
Plan the consolidated cargo and store in the cabin
- 結關 Closing
- 清關 Customs Clearance
- 拆櫃 Devaning/Stripping
- 裝卸公司 Stevedore
- 理貨 Tally
- 碼頭工人 Longshoremen
- 貨櫃場吊櫃費 Terminal Handling Charge(THC)
- 併櫃 Consolidation

Trans-Pacific Route Related
The carrier and the consignor agree on the quantity and price of the consignment for a certain period of time, and the consignor will get a better price due to the large quantity
The carriers will give a certain discount if the consignor delivers in the off-season
When American shipping companies change contracts in May every year, they will collectively increase freight rates
Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) will be imposed during the peak season due to the expected insufficient supply of the cabin space and increasing operating costs
After the 911 incident, the U.S. Customs stipulated the shipping company/NVOCC must complete the manifest declaration 24 hours before the ship arrives at the loading port to load the ship
Established to ease the port congestion and encourage customers to pick up the containers during off-peaks
The withdrawal time is divided into peak and off-peak time, and TMF (Traffic Mitigation Fee) will be charged for containers that are picked up during peak times
Special service for loading the consolidated container into the inner position of the container to save freight
Carry the container with train’s flat car
Railroad pallet trailer, the container and trailer are loaded on the railroad pallet for transportation
- 美國聯邦海事委員會 Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)
- 運價表 Tariff
- 內陸點一貫運送 Interior Points Intermodal (IPI)
Freight is calculated by weight (kg) or volume (CBM), whichever is higher
- 貨幣貶值調整費用 Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF)
- 油料上漲調整費 Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF)
- 緊急燃料附加費 Emergency Bunker Surcharge (EBS)
- 內陸點燃油附加費 In-Land Full Surcharge (IFS)
- 預計開航時間 Estimated Time of Departure (ETD)
- 預計到港時間 Estimated Time of Arriva (ETA)