
- July. All of the GMC members reached the consensus that “trustworthy” is our label and core value.
- January. Encourage the personnel willing to be a trustworthy person, reinforce the general service quality of the whole company.
- November. Held the “GMC 30th anniversary banquet” in Marriott Taipei.
- May. Won the "Ten Million U.S. Dollar Sales Award" in 2014 by China Airlines
- July. Won the " 103th annual outstanding business corporation " by National Taxation Bureau of Taipei Ministry of Finance
- May. Won the "Ten Million U.S. Dollar Sales Award" in 2013 by China Airlines
- May.Won the "Ten Million U.S. Dollar Sales Award" in 2012 by China Airlines
- August. Following the promotion of "No complaints in GMC" in 2008, the further promotion in 2012, "Nor putting blame on others in GMC"
- July.Won the " 101th annual outstanding business corporation" by National Taxation Bureau of Taipei Ministry of Finance
- May.Won the "Ten Million U.S. Dollar Sales Award" in 2011 by China Airlines
- May. Won the "Ten Million U.S. Dollar Sales Award" in 2010 by China Airlines
- April. Held the "No Complaint in GMC" annual review and fully implement the "working standards that must be followed when responding the problems" for all employees. Promote the truth, trust, and enthusiasm of each employee on the basis of self-inspection Understanding and identification.
- October. Organize the GMC customer service training seminar to promote the "Work Standards for M-level Employees to Follow When Responding the Problems"
- May. Won the "Ten Million U.S. Dollar Sales Award" in 2008 by China Airlines
- December. Every employee must comply with “not to complain in GMC”, and establish GMC to become a "no complaint world"
- October. Begin the promotion and implementation of "No Complaint in GMC".
- May. Won the "Ten Million U.S. Dollar Sales Award" in 2007 by China Airlines
- December. GMC Taipei new office opening party was held on December 10,2008 at current location.
- November. GMC Taipei is relocated to a new office at 5F., No. 302, Rui-Guang Road, Nei-hu District, Taipei 11492, Taiwan.
- SeptemberCompleted new highly efficient computer system for ocean, air, and accounting operations in full ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) structure
- Jun. Purchased 4,000 square meter own office for GMC headquarter at 302, Rui-Guang Road, Taipei
- April. Started the "GMC Training Certificate Program" for all staff to upgrade overall service quality to all customers and business partners
- April. Won the "Ten Million U.S. Dollar Sales Award" in 2006 by China Airlines